Our Story
Oh damnnnn look at you interested in our back story. How special are you! Now let’s not to let you down with a basic bitch spill.
Hi, my name is Kelsy, I grew up in the South West and my favourite colour is…… KIDDING!
But really, they are facts. I started this brand while I was on a journey of “finding myself” I was always envious of those that knew from a young age what they wanted to be when they grow up… and guess what… I knew I just never listened to myself clearly enough. For as long as I can remember I would draw designs and the models to go with them, it wasn’t your usual hobby at such a young age or in general?... and so I was afraid and kept them hidden even from family. Well times have changed, and I hope I can be an inspiration to all of you who have a hidden talent and don’t even know it. Dig deep and chase your unknown dreams.
Now to the brand, all designs are made to be timeless. I want you to pick our items out of your cupboard in two years’ time and still have so much love for them as they day you brought them home.
Fashion constantly changes but our staple items are forever. Did someone say black, white & nude? Yassss!
Sure, I will throw some epic colours in there to spice your wardrobe up
All items are made to last and have been put under the stress test, yes this test includes pasta and red wine spills.
We got your back boo.
Forever chasing the sun, come find me at the markets